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14 Ways to Repurpose Your Company’s Marketing Content

It takes time to create marketing content. So when you (or your marketing team) have time to hash out some content, you want to get as much value from it as possible. And for most businesses, that means reusing content in multiple places.

Here are just a few of the many ways you can repurpose your company’s marketing content:

  1. Blog posts –> Short eBook

Have you written a series of blog posts related to one central theme? Repurpose them as a short ebook.

  1. Newsletters –> Lead magnet

Instead of giving your newsletter away for “free,” require people to sign up as subscribers to build a lead database. (Just be sure to get subscribers to opt in if required by privacy rules.)

  1. Social media –> Blog posts

Scroll through your company’s social media posts and posts your company has liked or shared. Do you see any themes?

If so, use them as the basis for a blog post. Add screenshots of the social media posts for visuals.

Content marketing

  1. Case studies –> Social media

If you’ve written a case study about a client, share it on social media. Often, the client will, in turn, share your social media post with its followers, which broadens your reach. (This is one of the reasons you should make your client the hero of the case study, not you.)

  1. White papers –> Multiple blog posts

The in depth nature of white papers make them ideal for generating multiple blogs posts.

Pull out themes or ideas from the white paper and build posts around each one. Include a link in each blog post to allow the reader to download the white paper in full.

  1. FAQ pages –> Newsletter articles

If you have a FAQ page for your website, use each “FAQ” as the basis of a newsletter article. You can even create a newsletter article series on your most frequently asked questions.

  1. Blog posts –> Infographic

Any time you write a blog post with some hard numbers (especially numbers from from original research), consider turning it into an infographic.

  1. Video –> Blog post

If your company has its own YouTube channel or other videos, use them as fodder for blog posts. An added benefit: They might help your site’s search engine rankings. (Google’s search algorithm loves video.)

  1. Webinar –> Video tutorial

I’ll admit, I’ve never had a client do this, but it might be a good option for some. Simply record your company’s how-to webinar and post it to YouTube as a video tutorial.

  1. eBook –> Lead magnet

Whenever you create a stellar piece of content (such as an in demand eBook), you might not want to give it away for “free.” Instead, require people to sign up with their email addresses to receive the content. (Again, pay attention to rules surrounding personal information in your jurisdiction.)

  1. PowerPoint presentation –> Slide deck

If you’ve created a gorgeous PowerPoint presentation (yes, such things exist!), consider converting it into a SlideShare slide deck to share online.

  1. Slide deck –> Infographic

Building on point 11 above, pull some related stats out of your slide deck and make an infographic.

  1. Podcast –> Show notes

Some people prefer to consume content by reading; others prefer listening. If you’re running a podcast, give your audience the option of reading the content via abbreviated show notes.

  1. Training audio –> Edited transcript

If you provide training to clients, through conference calls or webinars, record the audio and use it to create edited transcripts of the call you can share.

A Word About Duplicate Content

Before you or your marketing team decide to implement some of these ideas, a word about duplicate online content and Google.

As I’ve noted before, you won’t run into duplicate content issues as long as the duplicated portions are short. In fact, Google itself notes:

repurpose your company's marketing content

For more on the topic, check out What is Duplicate Content on Moz.


Posted: March 24, 2016 in: Marketing Strategy

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