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Marketing Strategy

Ready, Fire, Aim

Often, doing something adequately is the first step in doing something really, really well. And it’s a whole lot better than not doing anything at all.

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Posted: December 15, 2020 in: Marketing Strategy

How Fortune 500 Companies Use Blogs and Social Media

In a recent post, I provided some statistics on corporate use of social media. I wanted to add to the pile of stats with this University of Massachusetts study on blogging and social media. In this study, researchers examined the blog and social media presence of companies on the Fortune 500 list for 2018. (Fortune […]

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Posted: December 22, 2018 in: Marketing Strategy

Which Social Media Platforms Should Your Business Be On?

Not all social media platforms are the same. In fact, each platform tends to attract a unique mix of users. Which presents a problem for marketers and business owners. You know you want a presence on social media—but which platform(s) should you choose? Because you have to pick. You can’t do them all—at least not well—unless […]

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Posted: November 27, 2018 in: Marketing Strategy

Get Your Marketing Content Out of Your Brain and Onto the Page

When business owners or marketers haven’t worked with an outside writer before, they’ll often ask how I—as an “outsider”—can get their marketing content and ideas out of their brains and onto the page. It’s a good question! In fact, there are a number of ways to do it, depending your preferences and the type of […]

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Posted: October 25, 2018 in: Marketing Strategy

Should Your Business Still Be on Google+?

Recently, a client asked me if it was worth keep her Google+ business page. I’ve been helping her create and share content on her social media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn). And while we were getting decent traction on those platforms, not much was happening on Google+. So I did some research.

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Posted: April 26, 2016 in: Marketing Strategy