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For Better SEO, Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

On April 22nd, Google implemented its announced algorithm change that favours mobile friendly websites. This means mobile friendly websites (i.e. sites that display well on mobile devices) will have an advantage over non-friendly websites when it comes to search engine results.

website mobile friendlyWhy the Change?

Over the last few years, people have been increasingly using their mobile devices for search. In fact, some analysts report that today over 50 percent of Google searches are conducted on a mobile device.

Giving the growing use and importance of mobile, Google is using the algorithm change to encourage people to make their website mobile friendly.

What You Need to Do

First, find out if your site is mobile friendly. You can check by visiting your site on your own mobile device (or, preferably, a variety of mobile devices—including cell phones and tablets) or by using Google’s tool to test for mobile friendliness.

Second, if your site doesn’t display well on mobile devices, talk to your web developer about making your website mobile friendly.

For a more detailed discussion of this algorithm change, see the MOZ blog post, 9 Things You Need to Know About Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update.


Posted: May 11, 2015 in: Content Marketing

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