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Content Marketing

The Secret to Writing a Memorable (and Motivating) Case Study

Recently, I’ve been writing a number of case studies for one of my clients. This client is a business coach who delivers high quality, personalized training programs to new and established freelance writers. As with many entrepreneurs, he’s been so busy building his business and putting together his team that he hasn’t had time to […]

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Posted: July 26, 2018 in: Content Marketing

How Valuable Are Self-Testimonials as Social Proof?

Recently, I was working with a company that manufacturers and sells health supplements nationally. I was revising its existing web content and writing some blog posts on its behalf. When I reviewed the company’s site, I was excited to see that had some amazing user testimonials. Some of the testimonials were first-person written accounts. Some […]

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Posted: June 27, 2018 in: Content Marketing

10 Tips for Writing a Good Lead Magnet

You’re probably already familiar with lead magnets—even if you’re not familiar with the term. Basically, lead magnets are those free download offers (e.g. a report, worksheet, etc.) that you get in exchange for sharing your email address. For many small businesses, lead magnets are a useful tool for generating leads. They help you identify prospects […]

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Posted: April 3, 2018 in: Content Marketing

4 Reasons to Keep a List of All Your Marketing Articles

I always recommend that my clients keep a list of all their marketing articles, such as newsletter articles, blog posts and guest posts. This isn’t an onerous task when done from the outset. But even if they’ve accumulated several years of posts, it doesn’t take much time to compile a list. Then, as I write […]

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Posted: January 10, 2018 in: Content Marketing

The Secret to Not Having Writers’ Block—Ever

At a recent marketing event, I got to chatting with one of the guest speakers. He asked about the kind of work I do and the types of clients I serve. After explaining that I create marketing content for small to medium size businesses, he asked whether I ever struggle with writers’ block. I thought […]

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Posted: May 11, 2017 in: Content Marketing

A Few Social Media Marketing Tips From the Street

Social media marketing sounds simpler than it is. Often, questions only come up once you get into it. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a few social media tips that have helped me immensely. Today, I’m happy to share them with you. (And yes, I’ll admit my own social media accounts are less than stellar. My […]

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Posted: January 18, 2017 in: Content Marketing

Content Upgrades: An Effective Way to Grow Your Email List

You’ve been working hard on your content marketing. And you’ve seen some results. You’re getting decent traffic on your website. And your top handful of posts are especially popular. But your newsletter isn’t performing as well as you’d hoped and subscriber numbers remain low. Which is bad—because your newsletter is your best means of nurturing […]

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Posted: September 16, 2016 in: Content Marketing

Oops! What to Do if Your Email Newsletter Contains An Error

We’re all human. Mistakes happen. Even in your (gulp!) email newsletter. Fortunately, you CAN take steps to reduce the odds of errors happening (more on this in a moment). But even with your best efforts, errors can still go undetected. So what do you do when you get the dreaded call, email or tweet: “BTW, […]

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Posted: January 25, 2016 in: Content Marketing