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Smart Small Business Marketing: Vancouver Realtor Marty Pospischil

If you’re looking for small business marketing ideas, sometimes you need look no further than your mailbox.

I know, I know. Direct mail marketing sounds so… yesterday. It’s become the AMC Pacer to the Ford Mustang of social media and Internet marketing. But, like all marketing, there’s doing it; and then there’s doing it well.

I recently received a direct mail marketing postcard from local Vancouver realtor Marty Pospischil – and I think it’s brilliant. I know Marty personally from my children’s school. He’s a big supporter of our community and a nice guy to boot.

Like most realtors, his real estate team sends out lots of direct mail, especially postcards advertising homes for sale or recently sold.

His postcards are always well done. Professionally produced with no typos – a particular irritant of mine. (One of the hazards of being an editor – lots of irritants.) But one of his latest efforts particularly struck me. Sent out in advance of the July 1st Canada Day long weekend, the postcard features a full bleed image of the Canada flag on the front and his company information on the back.

I immediately placed the flag in the window of my home. And why not? I wanted to display a little of the patriotism we Canadians (and Vancouverites) have recently come around to. It was only then I realized the full brilliance of the marketing piece: With the flag facing the street, the marketing information faces into the home. It’s a constant (but not obnoxious) reminder of Marty and his real estate services.

As I see it, this piece works particularly well for two reasons:

  1. You’re getting something for free – a mini Canadian flag you didn’t even have to step out of the house to get.
  2. A constant but subtle reminder of who gave it to you.

If you can combine these two things in your marketing, then you should stand up and wave your own small business marketing flag.

What innovative marketing pieces have landed in your mailbox? Which are your favourites?


Posted: July 5, 2012 in: Content Marketing

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