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Is It Selfish Not to Share? Brian Solis Contemplates a Marketing Mindset Shift

Many of us are familiar with this photo:

marketing mindset

Photo Credit: John Blanding, The Boston Globe

Note the older lady in front. (The one without phone in hand).

When this photo made the rounds of social media in 2015, the reaction was swift and conclusive: It was a sad illustration of society’s phone obsession. It showed our relentless need to capture every minute of life’s special moments.

Have we lost the ability to live in the moment?

(You can read more about the photo—and the response—here.)

A Different Perspective

But that’s not how Brian Solis sees it.

Brian Solis is a futurist and leading digital analyst. He was also the keynote speaker at the April 4th BCAMA Vision marketing conference in Vancouver.

The theme of Solis’ keynote address was technology disruption and its influence on marketing and business. Disruption demands innovation and transformation.

But before that can happen, marketers need to shift their mindset. As Einstein said, problems can’t be solved by the same mind that created them.

During his keynote, Solis displayed this photo and recapped the public’s general reaction to it.

But then he introduced a different way of looking at it.

First of all, you can’t argue that others in the people aren’t experiencing the moment. They are, of course.

And who’s to judge that their experience is any less than that of the lady without the phone?

Second of all, think about what these people are doing with their phones. Presumably, they’re taking photos and videos that they will then share through social media. And this allows family, friends and many others to also enjoy this moment.

From that perspective, you can argue that the no-phone lady is being selfish. Just look at her, keeping this special moment all to herself!

The Only Constant is Change

Okay, I’m not sure I totally buy it. But Solis does make a good point.

As he writes in Ad Age, complaining, panicking or romancing over the nostalgia of yesteryear isn’t going to produce the insights and expertise necessary to blaze new trails.

Today, customers are more connected than ever before. And as a result, they’re also more informed, empowered, demanding and discerning. And right now, this consumer shift is outpacing innovation in marketing and business.

It’s time for marketers to catch up.

Posted: April 25, 2017 in: Copperplate News

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