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What You and Bono Have in Common

In a recent interview on the Awards Chatter podcast, Bono admitted that he’s embarrassed by much of U2’s catalogue of music.

Which is notable coming from a band that’s sold more than 175 million records, racked up 22 Grammys, and is  nominated for an Oscar this year.

Even so, Bono says he turns red with embarrassment when his songs play on the radio. Here’s what he said as reported by the Toronto Star:

“I’ve been in a car when one of our songs has come on the radio and I’ve been the colour of, as we say in Dublin, scarlet. I’m just embarrassed. And yeah, I mean, I do think U2 pushes out the boat on embarrassment quite a lot.”

In fact, Bono lists only two songs of which he’s proud: “Vertigo” and “Miss Sarajevo.”

Not “Where the Streets Have No Name” or “One” or “Two Hearts Beat as One.”

Crazy, right?!

Imposter Syndrome and Creative Work

Yet, if you work in the creative sphere at all—as a content marketer, designer, or business owner—you can probably relate to how Bono feels.

ALL of us suffer from some level of imposter syndrome. Usually, we’re our harshest critics.

When we look back at all of our creative work, we may pick out a handful of pieces of which we’re proud.

But we may cringe at the bulk of it.

So the next time you feel embarrassed by some of your past work, remember to go easy on yourself.

You’re not an unbiased judge.

Which is something I hope Bono remembers as well.

Posted: January 23, 2022 in: Copperplate News

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