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Business Strategy

Top 6 Podcasts for Business Owners and Marketers

I’m addicted to podcasts. It’s true! I’ll happily listen to them any chance I get, whether it’s walking, driving, making dinner or folding laundry. I listen to a wide variety of podcasts (with a slight bias towards movie reviews and comedy), I have a number of business podcasts in my regular rotation. In this post, […]

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Posted: February 1, 2019 in: Business Strategy

One Word That Can Shift Your Perspective

Recently, I attended parent-teacher meetings at my son’s middle school. If you have children in school, you already know the drill. You have a few minutes to sit down with each of your child’s teachers to see how he/she is doing and get the story behind the marks. And naturally, one of the teachers my […]

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Posted: May 8, 2018 in: Business Strategy

Who Are Your Business Competitors, Really?

Many years ago, a client gave me a free ticket to attend a local health food expo. During one of the presentations, the speaker asked the crowd, “Who is McDonald’s biggest competitor?” and promised to give the first person with the right answer $50. A low rumble arose from the crowd as people tossed out […]

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Posted: February 13, 2018 in: Business Strategy

The Overlooked Value of an Sincere Apology

As a small business owner, I’ve very sympathetic to the many challenges of running a business. And I’m even more sympathetic to those in the B2C space, who have to try and keep “the masses” happy. So when I encounter poor service or a rude salesperson, I’m apt to let things go. But not always.

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Posted: May 25, 2017 in: Business Strategy