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How an Elevator Pitch is Like Copywriting for the Web

I recently had the pleasure of participating in a Vancouver Board of Trade breakfast networking event. While there, I discovered a few lessons that also apply to copywriting for the web. During the networking event, attendees sat at large, round tables in groups of ten. Each person distributed their business card and had 90 seconds […]

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Posted: April 6, 2013 in: Content Marketing

Using an Editorial Calendar for Your Company’s Internet Marketing

You’ve been busy with your company’s Internet marketing, putting great content on your blog, Facebook page and in your email newsletter. Excellent. But how are you managing this content? Are you posting on an ad hoc basis, or are you following a strategic plan? Print media have dealt with the complexities of content management for […]

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Posted: February 20, 2013 in: Content Marketing

Choosing Keywords for SEO Content

Most of you may already know the benefits of optimizing your website content for search engines (also known as search engine optimization, or SEO content writing). But how do you go about choosing keywords for SEO content? Usually, selecting keywords is a three-step process. The first step is for you, the client, to come up […]

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Posted: January 14, 2013 in: Content Marketing

Web Content Writing Tip: Match Tone to Site Architecture

Not too long ago, I was involved in a web copywriting project with a large marketing firm. It was fascinating to be a part of such a large web design and copywriting project. Most of my projects involve anywhere from 5 to 20 or maybe occasionally 30 pages of web copy. This particular project involves […]

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Posted: October 30, 2012 in: Content Marketing

Using Images in Your Small Business Marketing Blog

Having a blog on your business website is a great way to engage prospective clients, show your expertise and improve your search engine rankings. Although written text usually forms the heart of your blog post, it’s a good idea to include images as well. A blog post looks less visually overwhelming and more professional when […]

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Posted: October 20, 2012 in: Content Marketing