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Smart Small Business Marketing: Vancouver Realtor Marty Pospischil

If you’re looking for small business marketing ideas, sometimes you need look no further than your mailbox. I know, I know. Direct mail marketing sounds so… yesterday. It’s become the AMC Pacer to the Ford Mustang of social media and Internet marketing. But, like all marketing, there’s doing it; and then there’s doing it well. […]

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Posted: July 5, 2012 in: Content Marketing

Small Business Marketing: Are Business Cards Dead?

I recently placed an order for business cards. Yes, paper business cards. One thousand of them, to be precise. I have business cards from a few years back, but I wanted to get new ones that reflect my new website design. My inital plan was to go cheap. Simply throw on my new logo, some […]

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Posted: June 2, 2012 in: Content Marketing

4 Essential Editing Tools When Copywriting For the Web

When copywriting for the web, I divide my time between writing and editing. I like having a mix of both, but sometimes I feel like I have a dual personality. My writing style is non-linear and spontaneous. All I need is a laptop or even just pen and paper to get started. My editing style […]

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Posted: April 27, 2012 in: Content Marketing

How to Write a White Paper: Tips for Success

You might not think of white papers as part of web writing services, but in fact most businesses post their white papers on their website, often as a downloadable PDF. And why not? White papers are a great way to educate prospects and new customers about common industry problems and your company’s solution. They’re also […]

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Posted: April 18, 2012 in: Content Marketing

Small Business Internet Marketing: Creating Surveys

Most small business owners find themselves thinking about surveying their customers or target market at some point. Some will use them to get customer feedback on products and/or services. Others will use them as a tool to start conversations with prospects and discover new selling opportunities. Although most of my business focus is writing and […]

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Posted: April 3, 2012 in: Content Marketing

Tools for Creating SEO Content

If you’re building a website, it pays to have search engine optimized (SEO) content. After all, you want people to find your site when they search for terms related to your products or services. It’s easy to find your business if people know your company name. But finding your business through keywords is a lot […]

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Posted: March 13, 2012 in: Content Marketing

Business Blog Writing Checklist

A business blog is a great way to engage clients and prospects and, done correctly, improve your search engine rankings. Here’s a handy checklist to make sure each of your blog posts is doing everything it can for your business.

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Posted: February 28, 2012 in: Content Marketing

Working with a Professional Web Content Writer

I have lots of clients from out of town. In fact, most of my clients are not only out of town but WAY out of town. Most of them find me (or I find them) through my website, social media or referrals. People ask how I can meet the needs of clients as far away […]

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Posted: February 20, 2012 in: Marketing Strategy